Creating an Engagement score
Gino Hernandez avatar
Written by Gino Hernandez
Updated over a week ago


  • At its core, a customer engagement score is a single number that measures how engaged your customers and free trial prospects are

  • Each customer has their own score, based on their activity and usage of your products and services

  • The higher the score, the healthier and happier the customer

  • This score can be used for both existing and free trial leads


  1. If you're just starting of we suggest that you pick out 2-5 main events that represents the sum total of success and health of the customer. Staying with one condition on all such as "Most recent events" will give you a good foundation as you iterate

2. As you start to continue to monitor the scores a way to iterate on your first score is to look into the frequency of use, days (time decay) and weighing. As well as adding other conditions will be of help to further drill down on the user profile (see bottom picture)

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