Creating a new score
Chris Moen avatar
Written by Chris Moen
Updated over a week ago

Scores are a type of metric used to summarize complex data sets related to an object. Scores can be used to measure different aspects of Lead or Customer performance, such as customer fit, engagement, health, churn, and more. These scores offer valuable insights into customer behavior and sentiment, enabling you to optimize you sales efforts and customer experience to drive growth. By monitoring and interpreting these scores, you can identify opportunities for improvement, tailor your marketing and sales efforts, and build stronger relationships with your customers. Let’s start by creating a new score from scratch.

Creating a new score

  1. From the left panel, click on your workspace name on the bottom of the page to reveal the pop-up menu, and select Scores.

2. From the Scores page, click + Add to create a new score.

3. Give your score a name and select the Object Type to score, then click Create new.

Score conditions

To assign a score, certain criteria or requirements must be fulfilled, which may include values, segments, events, or summarized scores that are taken into consideration during the calculation process.

Dive deeper into creating scores in our Guide to scores and score conditions.

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